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Writing For Fun, Friends & Family.

Monday, March 28, 2011

First Time !!!

First time for anything is very special, be it bestowed to any situation...There can be many instance for first time..few of them can be...
Everyday in life we get to witness or experience something new. Some experiences are bitter ones but some are just worth remembering for the life time, or worth being the first time. Moments come, moments go……what are left behind are reminiscences. You can cry or regret remembering those moments or can feel happy that you were part of those moments, thus cherishing them for entire life……
Even I believe in welcoming every moment or jiffy in life and esteem its beauty, because I know that the only thing constant in life is changes. What you have today, you might not have tomorrow, so no regrets, no qualms. Just live, laugh, enjoy as if there is no tomorrow… Smile throughout your path of life, holding tight the memories of each first time…THE SPECIAL FIRST TIME.

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Observations of a Sober Mind

I don't drink alcohol..are u Shocked? Don't be its not a big deal. I still go to parties - I have Diet Coke, or water, or some random juice but I enjoy being at parties.

If someone asks me why I don't drink, I simply tell them it’s prohibited in my religion so just can't have it. But I don't understand why some people (friends of mine) refuse to say they don't drink. They pretend the soda has alcohol in it, or they'll order some drinks so they'll *look* like they're drinking. I asked them, and they say they're too embarrassed but they couldn't explain why. It's a mystery. Having been a sober observer at several parties I often wonder, why people get drunk!

Am I missing something? Is there a social stigma attached to being a non-drinker? I'm a little dense about these matters. But being a non-alcoholic person I usually observe people @ parties. Here are some observations I had from few of the parties.

1) People deny that they’re drunk.
Standard statement - “But I’m not even that drunk you know. Like I’m little high, but I’m totally fine.” And then they fall out of their chair, offer a sheepish expression, and run to the bar to order another drink.

2) Start revealing other people’s secrets.
A drunk person loves to spill the beans and potentially ruin relationships. It’s not because they really intent to say, they just can’t help it. The secret telling can occur in two ways. The first is revealing a major secret as a casual aside.
Say you’re at a party with your friend and you see the “it” couple walk in together. A drunk person will spill the bean and say, “I can’t believe they both r carrying on.” You will be like, “WTF? He hits her?!” and the drunk friend will respond, “Oh my god. I can’t believe I just said that. No one knows. Promise me you won’t say anything!”

The other way to tell a secret is more intense and direct. A drunk person will usually corner you and be like, “I have something to tell you, but you cannot say anything to anyone about it!” You will be like, “OK. What?’ and the drunk friend will grab your hands and shake them, “No. I’m serious. This is some serious s**t!” It can go on like this for 5-10 minutes before they finally spill out. Depending on the secret, they might even cry which is super annoying and unfortunate because it’s like, your friend started crying for some weird secret & then they try to dry those tears ASAP and start moving back to the party. Drunken freak!

3) Become angry/sad/happy in the span of ten minutes
Alcohol has a tendency to take you on an emotional roller-coaster. One minute you’re drowning in a sea of happiness and the next you’re just drowning.
You’re crying for some crazy shit & yell how no one will ever love you. You are Happy about something & then suddenly something pops up in your mind and u r totally pissed off with it. Alcohol can punk you like that. It will be like, “I’m going to take you on a funny crazy ride and then drop you off on the corner of Darkness and Tears. Bye!”

4) Silent Creature
After crossing the drinking limit, some of my friends just sit in a corner without uttering a word as if they are in some deep thinking or need some peace of mind. Sometimes I think y do they behave like this & what all thoughts might be going in their mind.

5) Over smart/most intelligent person in the crowd.
Suddenly your friend become an expert on every subject discussed over the floor. He knows everything and wants to pass on his knowledge to anyone who will listen. At this stage he believes whatever he is saying is 100% RIGHT. And of course the person whom he is talking to is very WRONG. This makes for an interesting argument when both parties are SMART.

6) Perfect Guy for any Lady @ the party
Suddenly your friend start believing he is the BEST LOOKING person @ the party and most of the Beautiful Ladies have started fancy him. He goes up to a perfect stranger behaving as if he knows the person from a very long time & she really fancies him and really wants to talk to him. Beer in his mind makes him think he is still SMART, so he can talk to this lady about any subject & she will listen to him without any hesitance as if she know him since ages. A little more courage all because of the alcohol make him to ask the lady to join him for the dance as if he is the Best Dancer over the floor & the lady just wanna have a ball of time with him.

7) Muscular/Heavy weight Champion
Suddenly when someone disagree with your friends views, he is ready to pick fights with anyone and everyone especially those with whom he have been betting or arguing. This is because he thinks nothing can hurt him. At this point he can also go up to the partners of the people who he fancy and challenge to a battle of wits or money. He have no fear of losing this battle because as I said He thinks he is SMART, He is Muscular and overall he is Drunk!

8) Singer/Dancer/DJ etc
This is the Final Stage of Drunkenness. At this point he can do anything because NO ONE CAN TELL HIM ANYTHING cause he is fully drunk. He starts dancing on a table to impress the Lady who he fancy because he thinks he is the next Dancing star of India & have done his dancing diploma from a very reputed dancing academy. He starts yelling the song which is played in the background thinking he is the next Indian Idol & people in the party is enjoying his lovely vocal. He starts shouting at the DJ to play his favorite song when the DJ tells this is the last song for the night. But before the DJ could stop playing he keeps on yelling DJ SUCKS (forgetting that he just had a blast because Mr. Dj played some of the best music for him).

These are few observations which I had over few parties, I know many people have better observation than me but getting deeper into this topic would spill out some very inside view of drunk person which I would not get into it right now.

Drinking to make yourself feel better is probably the worst idea imaginable because it’ll just magnify what you were feeling sober. The next day, you’ll feel physically sick and full of regret on top of your depression. Yes...No...Maybe (depends upon ur perception about Alcohol).

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Holi To All!


Wish you All a very Colourful and Safe Holi.

 Enjoy the Colours of Holi

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Enjoying Life

"Life is a series of pulls back and forth. You want to do one thing, but you are bound to do something else. Something hurts you, yet you know it shouldn't. You take certain things for granted, even when you know you should never take anything for granted."
— Mitch Albom

After reading the above quote on the Internet, I stopped for about few minutes to think about my life. After thinking about it I have made up my mind & I hope I will go by my saying...

I will never take life for granted anymore. I am going to enjoy every day as much as possible. Sharing happiness with others is perhaps the best thing we can do with each other. These happiness can range from watching movies, playing games, partying out with friends or to simply enjoying a nice ride to who knows where because you have never been there before so just enjoy the ride.

Why enjoy these things? 

Because, just like that, who knows when will you get such a chance in your life in future or you may not be able to do these things anymore in your life. So just live for the moment & be Happy.

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pray for Japan

My deepest condolences for the victims of Japan. Everything that happened is incredibly horrible, catastrophic. The world is with you.

I send my prayers and I would ask everybody to do the same. Pray for Japan and all those impacted by this natural disaster.

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Weekend !

Wishing all my blog readers a great weekend
Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Searching for Happiness

Been depressed for so long, I have been searching for happiness at all possible places & in all possible ways....I found nothin. Someone told me dat happiness is in making others happy, I made others happy, but still my search didn't end. Another one said dat happiness is a matter of love, love sum1 n u'll feel happy, I did dat also & all I got is sadness n pain. My search for happiness still continues. Others said to wait for it, I waited soooo long...but it never came to me...

Not knowing wot to do, I sat in peace n ask my heart wotz d matter?

Why after doing so many things, m still alone and unhappy?
Why I always chase for happiness n get nuthin?

My heart silently said - "D day wen u start to live widout any expectations, D day wen u start living for yourself, D day wen u start understanding the meaning of life.....U'll get wat all u want. Expectations hurts, company of others makes u lonely, N past gives u pain....So start living for urself, live for 2day, U r d one who can make urself happy" 

And den I found dat my heart was right. My heart whom I have been ignoring for so long, is d reason y m alive...after giving so much pain n chaos to it, it still beats for me, supports me, trust me, understands me.

Quote - "Happiness is lyk a butterfly, d more u chase it, d more it will elude you, but if u turn ur attension to other things, it will come and sit softly on ur shoulder...so do not search happiness anywhere try to make urself happy then happiness will come to u by its own."

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Night Outs

Night Outs
Its weekend around the corner & first thing that comes to our mind when we here this 2 words - Fun, Friends & Party. This is one of a topic I thought everyone loves. Night outs are the best thing to happen in anyone's life.
Remember the days when u first went off for a night out with your frnds @ their place or for a full night out on the streets. Riding on the bikes, driving cars half drunk, setting out on a long drive for a whole night. 
Haven’t we all have had those beautiful nights which reminds us of freedom, fun and enthusiasm in our lives.

Missing college days already??? Aren’t we??? 

Night out are fun whether you had lied to ur parents or ur friends parents about your new projects or research works or some random group studies crap..etc etc

Chatting up the whole night about girls/boys, sex and all new gossips, it’s never ending for friends until the sun rises. Waking up by afternoon, lying on your back, watching all your frnds, relaxed and leaving behind all their worries, it’s a great boost for life. 

Night out are a must in life, go get out and explore a free side of your life.

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Frustration !!!

When Frustration make your life hell, Grab A Notepad or Blog a Post.

I hate you!
Don't ever speak to me again!
Stay away from me!
You repulse me!
How could you do this to me?

These words that we use in anger can be powerful. Though they may be unpleasant and sometimes a little too harsh. But when I feel Frustrated I open up a notepad & start writing about it. I let my frustrations out onto a paper so that I don't need to keep thinking about it. 

I got a call from a friend who asked me about my previous post - 
To Whom I'm writing to? Why do I write down these frustrations?

I just have one answer to it - 
Saying them aloud will do nothing but offend the people around me or make me appear as foolish or selfish & mean.

I take these frustrations out on this innocent sheet of notepad because it is the only way I know how to release my tension & frustration. People will almost always judge me for what I think, but what will notepad do to me? 

Stop speaking to me? 
“Defriend” me on Facebook? 
No. Notepad will always be there for me no matter what.

It accepts my words - the good the bad and the ugly - and gives me a time and a place to analyze and organize my thoughts. Notepad will never delete my number or tell my friends “You'll never guess what he said!”. Raw emotion is always best laid out on paper.

People today are so self conscious about what they say or do because they care too much of what everyone thinks of them. I read it somewhere “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”

So next time when you want to let out your frustrations, don't take them out on those around you or a poor helpless wall. Share them with a notepad or a blog, because good times and bad, they will always lend you a listening ear.

Just found this poem on the internet thought of sharing with my post

When I am sad, when I am alone
I penned down my emotions.
It listened quietly with deep mourn,
It never had any notions.
It was..the last page of my notebook...

Giving in to the gory ink of sorrow,
It never had a tear to drop.
Never leaving my heart hollow,
It happily accepted my bloody drops.
It was...the last page of my notebook.

I still miss the talks I had with it,
The jokes I shared with it.
In this dark world, where I had nothing to look
I only had that last page of my notebook!!!

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.


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