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Saturday, September 10, 2011


Expectation is not a bad thing et al... but what makes it not so desirable thing in a relationship is that there is a less possibility of it turning up true! 
- Anonymous Author

Isn't that what keep us going on? We have certain expectations from ourselves, our families, our loved ones...and we keep on multiplying them every time one of them gets fulfilled.

What's better? The satisfaction of being able to expect or the dissatisfaction every time we are let down? Don't we all have some amount of melancholy as a staple diet? Isn't there always something in life that we are not happy about...It is true that we all aim for perfection or contentment maybe..

Expectation is the perfect ground for Disappointment.

Emotions are complex...they always are...we try so hard to decipher our feelings...realize our aims...describe our relationships...are there enough words in the English dictionary to describe the myriad emotions we experience?? Or is that we settle on words because of the satisfaction that we get when it has a name...

Being possessive is good if kept as a cuddled thing in relationship not a raw material for jealousy and hate.

I hope that this post would help us talk more about this subject and people try to acknowledge the fact that having lower expectation some times is good as it always have a element of surprise to stumble upon..!!!

Lastly...Thanks for not having enough expectations from me time to time :)

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all,


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