Welcome to my Blog

Writing For Fun, Friends & Family.


11th Jan'11 - Sometimes writing in my journal is the only way I can tell someone how I am feeling without being judged.

13th Jan'11 - Best friends never propose each other but they feel hell bad when one gets engaged to sum other...

17th Jan'11 - The biggest mistake in life is to fall in love..make sure u do it only once..

18th Jan'11 - The question is not who is going to allow you, but who the hell is going to stop you.

20th Jan'11 - Everyone shows more love and care in the beginning of any relation, but none maintain it til last !!! 

24th Jan'11 - Someone asked me "Why do you always insist on taking the Hard Road?"and I replied - "Why do you assume I see two roads ? 

27th Jan'11 -This place could be a paradise. All that it's missing, is you.

28th Jan'11 - Music is the only thing in this world you can count on, because no matter how you feel there is a song that can match your feelings.

31st Jan'11 - When Times Get Bad, I Turn Up The Music To Tune Out Reality.

1st Feb'11 - I remember a voice that was calling my name and I know that someday she will feel the same.

2nd Feb'11 - 'Love is brief; forgetting lasts so long'.

3rd Feb'11 - I'm like a Rubik's cube, the one that'll take their time to solve me, will see my true colors...

5th Feb'11
- There are certain things in life that turn back the clock for you no matter what...I so wanna bust that clock!!!

7th Feb'11 - There is nothing like ''Busy'', it's all about ''Priorities''. 

8th Feb'11 - Y do we need everything 'Permanent' in our 'Temporary' Life !!!

9th Feb'11 - Don't do something permanently stupid just because you are temporary upset...

10th Feb'11 - I wish I could forget you. Like I forget everything I've studied seconds before an exam.

14th Feb'11 - You know what goes best with your hand?   ...my hand. :(

16th Feb'11 - When we first met I had no idea you would be so important to me :(

17th Feb'11 - There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book !!!


  1. What happened when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

    1st of April 1985 - You were born!!!!

  2. @anonymous - awww so sweet of u...thnx for ur lovely quote...God bless u...c ya arnd...take care

  3. @ sHeHzU : April Fool!!!!



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