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Writing For Fun, Friends & Family.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


When I woke up today morning, the first thing I was trying to do was recollect my dream. I woke up because my alarm kept on buzzing next to my ears, which distracted me from my dreamy world. When I got off from my bed, I was actually trying to recollect what exactly I was dreaming about as if it was something which I wanted to be a part of my reality. Thus this post is all about our dreamy world & the reality world.

Do you have a dream? Perhaps you dream to be successful, Perhaps you dream to be a Rich or maybe your dream is to own six mansions in six different cities in the world. Maybe you want to lose weight. Perhaps you want a perfect body with six pack abs. Or maybe you want better health, a better job, etc etc

All of us have some desires, some dreams. We're only human. And as humans do, we talk about them to our closest friends or our family, the ones with whom we feel most comfortable. A thing that I have noticed is that very often, the first reaction of the person you share your dreams/desires with is that they will point out the reasons why it cannot be done, or why it is a bad idea. They will, in nine cases out of ten, they play the devil's advocate. Maybe they think that they are being realistic here by pointing out the pitfalls in your plans (if you have made them) or telling you why it is difficult to realize (if it is a pipe-dream).

They may be trying to protect you, out of their extreme love for you, or they may genuinely believe that it is truly not possible. We, being human, tend to give a lot of weight-age to the opinions of those immediately surrounding us. Our deep inherent (and perhaps subconscious)  need for 'approval' and 'love'  makes us tend to agree with the flaws that they point out. After all, they are only giving voice to that niggling doubt you had deep inside, but had ignored or pushed aside, being brave enough to share your dream/pipe-dream.

What then happens is that the pipe-dream remains just that. We do not act on it, as we feel it will be futile. So we push it somewhere to the back of our minds and carry on with daily business of life. We go to work, hangout with friends, go for movies, read, watch television :) :) and before you realize one day of your life had passed. 24 hours have gone--Poof! Vanished forever, never to come back. What we do not realize is that a part of our dream has vanished too, along with it. (or maybe buried deep inside, banished forever, relegated to languish in that box of 'someday maybe')

One trick that I have learn't to make your dreams come true, is never to share it with anyone who is likely to express even the slightest amount of negativity. You want to lose 10 kilos? You can! You want to start a business? You really can! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Hug your dreams to yourself but pursue them quietly.

Because I know something that they don't - Nelson Mandela's words.

"It only seems impossible till it is done."

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Change is Inevitable

It's been so long I scribbled something on my blog, well nothing new happened in my life since my last post so I couldn't post anything new. But here I am with my new post - Change is Inevitable. In everyone's life, change is certain with time & in my life there have been many changes in the last few days. Just thought of writing about it through my post...Here it goes..

As time flows change is certain. Change happens, that is for sure. It seems that the stress of the new things or feelings and emotions, etc. affects most people in every age. So the trick is not to resist it, but to go with the flow of it. The real problem for few person is getting over the resistance of those who don’t want to change. People just like the same routine in things, in life and in other people's life. And if they change even a bit, it’s a big concern. I ask why???

If seasons can change, why cant persons change for better???

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. There is no one who can bring revolution unless and until you face the courage in you and change for better. Loss is nothing else but change, and change is nature’s delight. To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, or the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

So frnds, this is what life have taught me and I agree to it completely.

Do you believe in Change???

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.


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