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Monday, April 25, 2011

In Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness! Something that everyone craves for...

I'm happy these days..life is going smooth...so thot of writing something about Happiness & ways to find Happiness. So what made you happy today? Morning dew, bright sunshine or an innocent smile? Happiness lies in small, precious moments that can bring a smile to your face. True happiness comes from within. How to be happy in life? Well, the secret to being happy always is in being happy with yourself. Be happy...always. It is simple but we complicate it when we mix it with our wants and expectations.

Some Simple Ways to be Happy..read it somewhere just wanted to share it out..

Love Yourself

The next time when you think and brood over the fact that 'No one really loves me' [dats wot I keep saying everytime :-) ], just pause and ask yourself, 'Do I love myself?' Most of the time the answer will be 'NO'. People who love themselves, will never ask this question. Until and unless you learn to love yourself, you can never expect others to love you. Start loving yourself first, love the way you look, the way you talk etc and only then will people start loving you. Loving yourself makes you more confident and that confidence brings you happiness. Everyday, after you get up in the morning, say to yourself, 'I love myself and I am the best', and you will see the difference within days. So the first thing that you have to learn is how to become happy with yourself.

Smile Always

A smile can take you miles. When you are sad and depressed next time, just look into the mirror and smile at yourself. It will be difficult when you are really sad but there is no harm in trying. Keep that smiling face for several minutes and soon you will realize that your spirits are lifting. No matter where you are, a smile can do wonder, it can make your day. Remember, that you look beautiful when you smile and when you look beautiful, how can you not be happy.

Do Something for Others

Nothing makes a person more happier than the joy that he/she feels after helping someone in need. Whenever you get the opportunity, go out and help a person who needs it and whom you do not know and might never meet. When you are sad, just look around you and you will see people who are suffering, who are dying of hunger and illness and when you think about it, you will realize that the reason for your depression is nothing compared to them. There are so many people out there who need your help. After they receive your help, the smile that they give you (trust me) will make you feel more happier than a million dollars placed in front of you will.

Positive Thoughts

Fill your heads with positive thoughts. Do not for once let negative thoughts enter your head as they tend to drag down your spirit. Always see the positive side of things. When you are sad, try and see the positive side of it, and you will feel much better. If you see only the negative side of people, then one can never be happy. Positive thinking helps a lot.
Listen to Music

This is another best way of learning how to become happy. Listen to some songs that will help you lift up your mood. Usually people, when they are depressed loves to listen to songs that are sad and that suits their mood. That drags you down further. Just do the opposite; listen to some happy songs and hum along with it, that will make you happy.

Compliment Others

Compliment at least three people everyday and mean it. It will only make them happy and feel good about themselves and if you make at least 3 people smile a day, that automatically makes you happy. This a great way to learn how to become happy instantly.

Count Your Blessings

Learn how to become happy with your life by counting your blessings. If you are feeling sad that your eyes are small, think for a minute about those people who has no eyes to even complain about, if you are sad that your friend forgot your birthday then think about those people who don't even know when they were born. Always count your blessings, and be grateful to God for what He has given you and you will see that you will feel much better.

Just follow these steps and slowly with time you will be a person filled with positive energy, and who does not like a person who is always happy and cheerful and gives out positive vibes?

Happiness is one of the most misunderstood words ever :). Though in reality it is very simple we just tend to measure it using the wrong scale ..

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

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