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Writing For Fun, Friends & Family.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Love or Something like it !!!

What exactly is "LOVE"?? 
I have asked this question to couple of my friends many times and have failed time and again to come up with a decent answer.

Can we define Love? is it even something to be defined?? what conventions are we supposed to observe?

How do we know if we love someone?? are there signs?? symptoms??

LOVE - ITS JUST A 4 LETTER WORD, easy to write but difficult to express...but for me, the answers lie somewhere unseen; far away. I m walking towards that place and one fine day, I wish I will get there and unmask the answers.

So, what exactly is Love??? 
I m just writing down my definition of Love, it can be different for others...

To love someone is to care, so much for him/her even more than yourself. U find urself living 4 a person, living to see him/her smile. To love someone is to live 4 them...there's one old song that says, "pyar ko pyar hi rehne do.. koi naam na do..(let love be love, don't give it a name)". The point is why try to define love...let love be love.

When we love someone (guy/girl), we are ready to accept him/her the way he/she is; the imperfections included. The flaws in him/her wouldn't bother you. You will see the goodness and the truth in him/her; the best of him/her. His/her presence will make you feel happy; your face will light up everytime he/she is around. His/her mere existence in this world will make you feel blessed. Perhaps these are the signs that someone is in love, perhaps this is LOVE.

I am not an experienced soul when it comes to Love, but then, I have "believed" myself to be in love so many times that by now I am capable of making an observation or two. And I know that lucky are those who have found "the person" to love. There is always one person in the crowd who affects you in a way no one else does; someone who draws you like no other person and when you have found that person, perhaps you have found LOVE!!

(I don't know if I have found mine. Maybe I have or Maybe its just the feeling. (convention is not something I would follow!))

To sum up the post I just wanna say
Love is all about...

Never expecting anything,

Never demanding anything,

& Never being possesive...bcoz it always spoils things...as far as I know...

Sharing n caring 4 each other is what Love is truly about...

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Monday, April 25, 2011

In Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness! Something that everyone craves for...

I'm happy these days..life is going smooth...so thot of writing something about Happiness & ways to find Happiness. So what made you happy today? Morning dew, bright sunshine or an innocent smile? Happiness lies in small, precious moments that can bring a smile to your face. True happiness comes from within. How to be happy in life? Well, the secret to being happy always is in being happy with yourself. Be happy...always. It is simple but we complicate it when we mix it with our wants and expectations.

Some Simple Ways to be Happy..read it somewhere just wanted to share it out..

Love Yourself

The next time when you think and brood over the fact that 'No one really loves me' [dats wot I keep saying everytime :-) ], just pause and ask yourself, 'Do I love myself?' Most of the time the answer will be 'NO'. People who love themselves, will never ask this question. Until and unless you learn to love yourself, you can never expect others to love you. Start loving yourself first, love the way you look, the way you talk etc and only then will people start loving you. Loving yourself makes you more confident and that confidence brings you happiness. Everyday, after you get up in the morning, say to yourself, 'I love myself and I am the best', and you will see the difference within days. So the first thing that you have to learn is how to become happy with yourself.

Smile Always

A smile can take you miles. When you are sad and depressed next time, just look into the mirror and smile at yourself. It will be difficult when you are really sad but there is no harm in trying. Keep that smiling face for several minutes and soon you will realize that your spirits are lifting. No matter where you are, a smile can do wonder, it can make your day. Remember, that you look beautiful when you smile and when you look beautiful, how can you not be happy.

Do Something for Others

Nothing makes a person more happier than the joy that he/she feels after helping someone in need. Whenever you get the opportunity, go out and help a person who needs it and whom you do not know and might never meet. When you are sad, just look around you and you will see people who are suffering, who are dying of hunger and illness and when you think about it, you will realize that the reason for your depression is nothing compared to them. There are so many people out there who need your help. After they receive your help, the smile that they give you (trust me) will make you feel more happier than a million dollars placed in front of you will.

Positive Thoughts

Fill your heads with positive thoughts. Do not for once let negative thoughts enter your head as they tend to drag down your spirit. Always see the positive side of things. When you are sad, try and see the positive side of it, and you will feel much better. If you see only the negative side of people, then one can never be happy. Positive thinking helps a lot.
Listen to Music

This is another best way of learning how to become happy. Listen to some songs that will help you lift up your mood. Usually people, when they are depressed loves to listen to songs that are sad and that suits their mood. That drags you down further. Just do the opposite; listen to some happy songs and hum along with it, that will make you happy.

Compliment Others

Compliment at least three people everyday and mean it. It will only make them happy and feel good about themselves and if you make at least 3 people smile a day, that automatically makes you happy. This a great way to learn how to become happy instantly.

Count Your Blessings

Learn how to become happy with your life by counting your blessings. If you are feeling sad that your eyes are small, think for a minute about those people who has no eyes to even complain about, if you are sad that your friend forgot your birthday then think about those people who don't even know when they were born. Always count your blessings, and be grateful to God for what He has given you and you will see that you will feel much better.

Just follow these steps and slowly with time you will be a person filled with positive energy, and who does not like a person who is always happy and cheerful and gives out positive vibes?

Happiness is one of the most misunderstood words ever :). Though in reality it is very simple we just tend to measure it using the wrong scale ..

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Life in School

School life was real Fun....That was the real Life in every sense - meaningful, interesting n enjoyable. I've tried my best to enjoy every moment of it n regret having had to grow up. Life was easy when I was a kid, no unnecessary tensions...problems...a care-free life. Life was soooo perfect & entertaining.

I've had my fill of skool life - lots of teachers, scores of friends, unlimited entertainment. I've relished every single day I've gone to school, even the exams coz exams at that level were such a drag...3 hours n 100 marks n epics to write. How we friends used to signal each other during exams with our fingers for answer to fill in the blanks, match the column, true or false...

School...(a normal day scenario in my best friend life during school days) Every morning he woke up late, dressed up as fast as he could after the world's fastest bath, and ran like hell to reach before 7:10am. As always, he used to reach at 7:15 (despite of living nearby the school n that too coming all da way on his bicycle), it was then he realized that he was definitely not alone!! He always had company who also stayed nearby and were among the late comers. And when he could finally reach in time on any day, it was then he realized that he hadn't cut the nails (so he ate them up as fast as he can!!), he hadn't polished his shoes (so he used the back of his socks as fast as he can!!), Loose Socks!! (start looking in his pocket for the emergency rubberband!!), Tie doesn't have a proper knot (tie it!!!!!), The Green House badge is missing (beg for one around!!) and after all those efforts, he would end up caught for coming last when the door was about to close!!! I wish I was in School again....

Inside the class, you cursed the teacher for remembering the homework (of course when you didnt do that!!). And when she asked us, the best reason that still works many times...."Ma'm I did the Homework, but I forgot the copy". And as most of the time...me and my friends were punished for not bringing the copy & we were sent outside the class where we continued talking till the period gets over!!! (coz it was the same reason which we friends used to give on a regular basis to the same teacher!!!) And then cursed the teacher for slapping us in front of the class. I wish iIwas in that class again...

In the Break: We thanked God for the food we ate during recess, the game we played, the gossiping we did, back-bitting of friends, looking at gurlz n telling our friends that she is mine so don't u dare look at her :-)

The recess, play time n the assembly...I guess no one can ever forget that moment of life....

Fights were common. The one who did not obey the groups orders was excluded from the group and no one would talk to him. Those were rules. Group rules that were subject to change...any moment. Coz if your friend breaks the rule, the rule was changed. And at any moment, a friend would be called a foe...and the very next moment...he would be a friend again (lack of memory may be!). Well that was the best part of childhood...many fights...many quarrels...but still no foes..all friends!!

And when the long bell struck, "Oh my god...thank you very much for the day...." in fifteen seconds, the long prayer used to be over, and with that the end of all enmity or jealousy, ego or anger, whatever was present. By the time we walked back home, everyone was a friend again, everyone was happy again, and every shoe was dirty again...

I wish I was a Kid again...no ego...no worries...no anger..no hurries...no enemies...just a ten yr old...who never knew the complexities of life then??? of Guys n gals (boys n girls then)...of love & lust??? We respected our teachers, listened to them, did homework, played crazy games...wrote exams, brought parents to PTA meetings? (actually we didn't bring them, they were called upon)...n wore smart uniforms....We were actually scared of exams n used to study though not daily...My best memories r those of recitations n elecutions n all culturals...Annual days, Christmas celebrations, National holidays, etc etc

Life sure was simple then....Class X was exciting cause...studies, tution, tension, first boards....I thought they wud kill me...

But the innocence is lost, the cute smile is lost, eyes full of hope n joy....all lost forever. Now the eyes r clouded, the twinkle in the eyes is lost, the spring in the steps is lost, I no longer walk I run, always in a hurry, there is tension always...what to do next, where to go next n whom to call next....Jobs, Family, Responsibilities that too on our tiny shoulders which once carried a bag full of books...

I wish I was in School again....

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Day in and out, we make a conscious choice on how to live our lives. Its amazing how we’ll let life slip on by and let the daily routines time grind, taking away the focus on what we really want and what makes us happy. Before u know, years will passed without taking the vacation you've always wanted, gotten the job you've always dreamed of, loved those to our heart's content and spent time with your family and loved ones who mean the most to us.

Whether we realize it or not, everyday we get up we are presented with a menu of choices.

To get up from sleep or continue sleeping 
It's a choice...

To eat or not to eat 
It’s a choice...

To live a life as God intended or change it 
It’s a choice...

To go to work or not
It’s a choice...

To forgive or not to forgive
It’s a choice...

To be happy or sad
It’s a choice...

To let go of the past or stay with past memories
It’s a choice...

To be rich or to be poor
It’s a choice...

To succeed or to fail
It’s a choice...

Are you still single? Aren’t you dating anyone? Then what’s stopping you from finding someone special who will make you laugh, feel special?
It's a choice...

Is your love the same like the one you wanted it to be? If not, why isn't it? After all, you chose to be with this person for the rest of your life.
It's a choice...

Are you stuck in a job that has lost its passion? Y don't u change your job?
Its a choice...

Are you surrounded by selfish friends who are unsupportive and never around when you need them? If so, then why do you call them your friends? Y don't you make new friends?
Its a choice...

And the list goes on.

Why does this happen to us? It happens because of the "CHOICES" we make about how to live our lives. We destroy the essence of a positive and powerful word and give it a negative meaning without even realizing it.

Its never too late for anything in life, so better buck up and change your choices and have fun!!

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1st - My Birthday

Can you believe I turned 26? I almost cannot. Almost!

After not thinking for years, I finally set myself up for a mission to uncover the actual truth about the April fools Day (My Birthday). After researching (Googling), and analyzing various documents, I finally discovered that there are various roots to this day. One of them is taken from Wikipedia which u can read just below.

“The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools’ errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.” – Wikipedia

I was wondering how would some one (including me) feel if he/she was born on April 1st. A by-default fool, trademarked by THE God himself. His/Her birthday is like a certificate which says “Certified Fool” and he/she carries it with himself. The most irritating part is that he/she cannot do anything about it.

The person is always scared to socialize with people as he/she fears a very common question may pop up at any moment. “So, whats is your sun sign?”, “BTW, What’s your b’date? Are you an Arian by any chance?”. And the moment he/she tells his b’date, he/she indirectly displays the certificate issued by the highest authority in universe which certifies his distinctive capability. And what follows is laughter, more laughter, more more laughter. The feeling can be compared to a hen who is taken out of the cage at the butcher’s shop and knows that its fate can be sealed at any moment.

Consider this, the person moves into a new office and invites his/her co-workers for his b’day which incidentally falls on April 1st so that he/she can celeberate it with them. When the time arrives, no one comes for the party thinking that its a prank. Imagine the feeling of the b’day guy/gal sitting alone in his decorated house/rented place waiting for the never-to-come guests to arrive. And as this was not enough, when he/she re-invites people explaining that's its not a joke, he/she gets more of the you-think-i-am-a-fool-to-believe-you looks.

Another tragedy happens when people around him get adjusted to the fact that he/she is an April Fool and then no matter what they do, they cannot forget his b’day which adds extra pressure on the guy/gal to in-turn remember everyone's b’day who remember his/her. Just going by statistics here, a normal guy/gal would have around 100 people who would for sure remember his “peculiar” b’date and will call him/her to wish. How on earth you expect him to remember all of them? Human mind is incapable to store such huge information. But any such logical explanation doesn’t serve the purpose when it comes to emotional behavior in society. In the end, the guy/gal might end up getting a “arrogant”/“has-attitude” certificate from some to add to his personality, as if the Certificate from the God himself was not sufficient.

I was just remembering my school days when we all used to celebrate our B'day, we would announce it proudly a week earlier to the entire class about the oncoming auspicious day. And on the auspicious day, we would get ‘sweets’ for everyone irrespective of the fact that they have brought gifts or not. And the whole class very enthusiastically sang a ‘Happy Birthday’ with loud, happy claps and you standing, blushing in the front and whispering a ‘Thank You My friends’ in the end... and then you would get a wet kiss by the teacher on your cheek (which i generally avoided and tactfully wiped off). All in a Happy, happy birthday... no mental math calculation of treat (if any) money or unknown faces asking for ‘treat’.

But alas, good things die early. Now that I am celebrating my ‘auspicious day’ today, I wonder how and why things change. Now it’s more like ‘Happy Birthday (I don’t care), TREAT! (is all that I care about and I can contri any small amount of money for the formal cake and oh yeah I won’t even sing because I am drooling over the cake).

I don’t want a fancy cake with my name in icing. I don’t even want anyone to wish just for the sake of it... all I want are a few wishes that come straight from the heart (and some gifts too! bwahaha) because I need the wishes Ppl! I am growing old and I am not a tad bit happy about it! I had wished I just don’t get up on my birthday and directly wake up on the next day, just skip the 1st! But all wishes never come true, so here am I, fully awake & thinking how to celebrate my Day.

Man, I refuse to grow up.

Anyhow, this is life and thats how it has been for yours truly for past 26 years and I have done well to adjust and make a mark of my own.

Just wanna Thanx to all my Family members, specially my Parents (for their love, care & blessings) & all my loving Friends for their support & care all through these years. Luv u all.

BTW, did I just hear you saying “Happy B’day Shehzad” ? :) (applause) Thank You Thank You

P.S: In case you want to make fun of me, you can reach me @ 9819******. I am also accepting b’day presents in cheques and kind. Emails making fun of me can be sent to shehzadrocks [at] gmail [dot] com.

Keep reading, commenting, enjoying & cheering your Life.

Luv u all.


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